Digimon: The Movie (2000)
Digimon: The Movie (2000) - Fantasy Movies 89 minutes. Digimon, O Filme, Digimon-elokuva, Дигимон. When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the destruction before the damage becomes irreversible and worldwide communication halts forever. As computer-based missiles are launched, and a wayward Digimon kidnaps the Digidestined, only the combined efforts of a worldwide network of kids and a new group of "Digidestined" can rescue the others and stop global disaster. monster, computer, video game, superhero, loss of energy, internet, compilation, battle, giant egg, animal trainer, anime, based on anime, good versus evil, based on tv series, edited from ova, digimon
Released: Oct 06, 2000
Runtime: 89 minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Science Fiction, Family
Stars: Lara Jill Miller, Joshua Seth, Bob Papenbrook, David Lodge, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, Michael Sorich
Crew: Mamoru Hosoda (Director), Shigeyasu Yamauchi (Director), Hisashi Mori (Animation Director), Hisashi Mori (Character Designer), Takaaki Yamashita (Character Designer), Takaaki Yamashita (Animation Director)