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Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017) - Animation Movies 84 minutes. Mission Yéti : les aventures de Nelly et Simon, Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon, Нели и Симон: Мисия Йети, A Yeti Adventure, The Yeti Adventures, Missie Yeti: De Avonturen van Nelly & Simon, Misión Katmandú, Mission Kathmandu : The adventures, Mission Yeti, Missao Yeti Em Busca Do Homem Das Neves, 미션 카트만두, Mission Yeti - Die Abenteuer von Nelly & Simon, Toffeset miflatzot. Quebec, 1956. The impulsive and headstrong Nelly Maloye, a novice private eye, joins the methodical and pragmatic Simon Picard, a research scientist in a dubious quest to prove the existence of the elusive Yeti. The brave-hearted heroes come face-to-face with countless dangers during their trek through the heart of the Himalayas. , ,